More Information & Inspiration (January 2024)

Happy New Year! Wishing you a prosperous 2024.

Here are several articles related to triathlon training and planning for seniors that I came across over the past month. Several of these from this month’s finds should also inspire you to become and stay fit.


In this month of new resolutions, Garmin issued its report from users of the Garmin Connect app.

Based on data collected through the Garmin Connect app, the report shows how activity in individual and multisport activities grew over the past year. Multisport activity increased by 18% (or is it 19%?) as triathlon, duathlon, and aquabike sports continue to grow. You can also see which forms of equipment based exercise grew the most.

I was surprised to see the high growth in tennis, maybe because I don’t play it. What in this report surprised you most? Why?

This article explains possible mechanisms for compromised running performance, including increased injury, with inadequate sleep. To help prevent poor sleep from being a factor, the author gives tips for establishing a routine to support both quality and quantity of sleep.

Results of this survey include changes in obesity and eating habits by age groups. Sadly, obesity in the USA increased for all age groups from 2019 to 2023. The group with the highest increase is age 45 to 64.

Let’s continue to get out information about the benefits of triathlon and other multisport activities.


Seven members of the Bethany Beach, Delaware triathlon club, whose ages range from the 50s to 70s competed in the Cozumel Half Ironman last September. Read comments from five of them after completing the race.

If you train as part of a triathlon club which includes other’s age 50 and over, please tell us about it using this short questionaire.

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