More Information & Inspiration (January 2025)

Here are several articles related to triathlon training and planning for seniors that I came across over the past month. Several of these from this month’s finds should also inspire you to become and stay fit.



As a triathlete or other multisport endurance athlete, you probably already know that biking is a form of cross-training and recovery for running. But does it work the other way? The advice which this article provides could be useful for those in snowy or icy climates where outdoor cycling is difficult, if not impractical, several months each year.


Pea protein is an excellent source of protein, versatile, and easy to mix with other foods or drinks. It also complements vegetarian and vegan diets. See its benefits and limitations in this post from Swanson.

Related post: What Masters Athletes Need To Know About Nutrition


This research paper summarizes results of a study to document the positive effect of moderate physical activity (more that 150 minutes per week) on negative memory retention. This form of memory retention is important because it makes our memories more vivid and accurate, thereby reducing cognitive decline.


This movie describes the running career of Steve Prefontaine and his relationship with legendary coach Bill Bowerman.

When I published this page, the movie could be viewed free on YouTube.

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Wonderful articles as usual🙂

Thank you for the feedback Marty.