Too Stubborn to Quit – Marty Hunter’s Story
Have you thought about doing your first triathlon in your 60s? Marty Hunter did and is now on her way to completing an Ironman 140.6 in her 70s.
Introducing Marty Hunter
Maureen ‘Marty’ Hunter lives in eastern Washington, in a region often referred to as the inland Pacific Northwest. She is “currently experiencing the joys of being 70 years old – or young or whatever 70 means.”
Marty discovered triathlon several years ago through a sprint distance race called The Valley Girl. T-shirts given to the racers were so small she put hers on a teddy bear. After that experience, Marty forgot about triathlon. For a while, that is.
As you read her inspiring story of perseverance, think of ways we can better connect with other Senior Triathletes, share specific needs and experiences, and encourage those in our community along their triathlon journey. Please share your thoughts at the end of this post.
Rediscovering Triathlon
After a not-so-inspiring start in triathlon, Marty was reintroduced to triathlon in June 2016. Two friends entered and completed the Coeur d’Alene (CDA) Ironman 70.3 triathlon. Marty and her husband watched both young women finish “along with many other athletes of all sizes, shapes and ages”.Â
Marty told me, “l wondered aloud if I could do a race like this, turning to my husband for confirmation and encouragement. Understanding what I was asking and what undertaking such a goal would mean, he turned a little green and muttered ‘Sure you can’. While there was not an ounce of sincerity in his voice, there was lots of love. We then went to get a beer.”
Even though neither Marty nor her husband realized it, a fire had been lit inside her that day. “I was unable to silence the powerful internal dragon who had awakened inside me.”
Marty Hunter’s Triathlon Journey – A Rough Start . . .
Marty said, “I finally drummed up the courage to sign up for the 2017 Coeur d’Alene 70.3 race. I committed the money and, I thought, the effort to achieve this amazing goal.
“Mind you, I have never been athletic. I have fought my weight all my life. I was scared to death, with zero confidence and certain that I would fail”, she said.
Marty joined a couple of triathlon clubs, invested in triathlon gear, took swim lessons, and ran and biked. She also entered an Olympic distance triathlon scheduled for a couple of months before the Coeur d’ Alene race.
In this triathlon, meant to be a ‘warm-up’ for the 70.3 Ironman, she ‘DNF’d’ (Did Not Finish).
. . . Though Never Giving Up
Marty says, “I sobbed as I exited the water and accepted a most needed hug from the goddess who is now my coach. I then went home to sulk. The next day, I finished that tri by completing the bike and run alone.”
In hindsight, she learned much from the DNF experience, lots which she claims to be still harvesting.Â
“I pulled out of the Ironman event acknowledging I was not ready. Instead, I volunteered at this race, which relit the triathlon flame as I watched the many athletes finishing this distance.
“I got to work building my base, trying to quiet the demon voices, listening to my coach and discovering strength that truly surprised me. Then, at the peak of my most confident month, December 2017, I fell on a treadmill while running, breaking my jaw and hand.
“I got through the surgeries and lost weight and did all the required swim strokes, pedal revolutions, and miles of running to finish the race I had failed to complete a year earlier. I never quit, probably because I was really, really mad to have tripped.”
The Payoff For Not Quitting
The focus and perseverance paid off. In June 2018, Marty completed Ironman 70.3 Coeur d’Alene.
“2018 ended up being a wonderful year for my body, heart and soul.” It was also a turning point on her triathlon journey.
Despite a shaky start, Marty never gave up. As of today, she has completed an impressive list of endurance sport events including:
- Triathlon, various distances
- Super sprint (2)
- Sprint (2)
- Olympic (2)
- Half Ironman 70.3 (1)
- Rainier Ragnar trail events (2)
- Several half marathons
- Full marathons (3)
- Endurance swims of 1.76 and 2.2 miles, one each
Sights Set on a Full Ironman
Marty has continued persistent and patient training in the distances of each of the legs of the Ironman 140.6. She has also raced in progressively longer distances with an eye to her next challenge, a full Ironman race.
Her ‘Big Dream’ is to compete in the full distance Ironman Arizona in November 2021 “assuming I can snag a slot with so many deferrals from the 2020 races”. Since first beginning our conversation, Marty officially became registered for the race.
Training Approach
I asked Marty the same question I ask everyone who races long course triathlons – how they train. Do they train with a coach, use a purchased training plan, or train based on their own research and planning?
Marty has done a lot of her own research, searching for information and tips about training. However, the key to her success – Marty will never admit that she is successful but I recognize it – has been her “red head, fierce and terrifying” coach who has pushed her to higher levels of performance and provides the right amount of encouragement.
“I need guidance and love having a week-by-week plan. I also need the encouragement her experience gives me to expect setbacks and issues. But she also is quite effective at getting me to work harder than I think I can, so that the event itself will be easier. Coaching fees are something I just consider necessary for my success.”
Training focus
Marty claims that her weakest leg is the bike.
“With our long winters and my concern for riding in traffic during other parts of the year, most of my rides are on the trainer. I don’t build confidence for screaming down hills or dodging potholes without time on the road.”
“The run is the toughest mentally, probably since it’s the last part. That’s why I am working on strategies to cope with the run and to finish strong.”
However, Marty’s greatest struggle is with nutrition. In the context of triathlon, nutrition refers to consuming liquid and solid calories during the race to stay hydrated and fuel the racer’s muscles. “I must get this dialed in to have any chance of finishing 140.6 miles in the time available.”
Marty’s comments about nutrition are more common that you might expect if you have not done a long course triathlon. Here are links to two Senior Triathletes’ posts about Ironman triathletes who also described their struggles with race nutrition.
Lessons in Ironman Triathlon Racing – Another Senior Triathlete’s Experience
A Special Birthday Present – Juha Makitalo’s Story
Advice for Those Over 50
What advice does Marty have for those of us over age 50 who are thinking about competing in a triathlon, short or long?
“Anyone, truly anyone, can compete in a triathlon. Proper training in all the legs is, of course, crucial as is rest and care of the body.
“Early on, I experienced severe knee pain which ended up in a meniscus repair. During conversations with the surgeon, I learned that pain is a language.
“While I’m pretty bad at ‘listening to my body’, I am getting better. My ‘Big Dream’ is making me a better listener to my body.”
An Inspiration For Never Quitting and More
A favorite Bible verse of mine is Hebrews 12:1. It contains the phrase “let’s run with endurance the race that is set before us”. Marty’s story reminded me of it.
Marty says, “I have a truly Big Dream and believe I have the desire to make it come true. I will scan the finisher stats for race information on athletes my age and older. It is pretty cool to see the stats and to even consider being part of this very, very special group.
“I’m frequently told I’m an ‘Inspiration’ which cracks me up. Inspiration! Ha Ha! I’m just too stubborn to quit!”
Best wishes, Marty, for achieving your ‘Big Dream’. I am looking forward to the day I can read your finisher stats.
Let’s Encourage One Another
When I first met Marty, she had already been “looking for this tribe [the Senior Triathletes community] for quite a while”. She wrote, “I feel I have found in this group just exactly what I need to proceed on a journey I started in 2016. Thank you all in advance for your help and guidance.”
As you have just read, Marty has a ‘Big Dream’. Please share your words of encouragement and other advice with her in the Comments section below.
Meanwhile, what are ways all of us can better support one another through the Senior Triathletes community? What is it you need for your ‘triathlon journey’, no matter if you are thinking about the sport or are an experienced Ironman athlete?
Please share your questions and thoughts in the Comments below.
To my Senior Athletes tribe: I am truly humbled by this article. I look forward to ANY comments, suggestions, encouragement and experiences that you care to share….me and my crazy hair need all the help available! ???? Marty
Way to go, Marty. Katy and I are proud to know you and wish we could follow your example and dedication. Get out there and do it!
Keep going Marty. It’s never about age. It’s about being in tune with you body – giving it what it needs and that includes when to keep moving and when to take a break. I’m in my 60s and reading about you is a note that I’m not alone. Congrats on all your past and future achievements!