More Information & Inspiration (November 2024)
Here are several articles related to triathlon training and planning for seniors that I came across over the past month. Several of these from this month’s finds should also inspire you to become and stay fit.
This post from 2PEAK lists their top exercises for increasing strength and cycling power. With each exercise is a description of the muscles targeted and how the exercise is to be performed correctly. Unfortunately, it is light on visuals to show proper technique.
We probably all see or hear a lot about the need for protein, especially for older endurance athletes. But why is protein necessary? What functions does it serve? Is all protein equal, or are some of the amino acids in a complete protein more important than others?
What is the correct amount of protein? Can I consume too much? How important is it to distribute protein intake throughout the day?
The author answers these questions and more in this article from Outside. If the scientific data discussed in this article leaves you overwhelmed, don’t worry. He concludes the article with “The Four Rules of Protein.”
Nowadays, magnesium is pitched as a sleep aid, among its other benefits. The author of this article from HealthDay introduces magnesium and its role in our body. After this, she explains how magnesium may impact sleep and how and when to consume magnesium for the greatest benefit.
I saw this movie on a recent Delta flight. The story is based on events leading up to the founding of the Paralympics in World War II England. Interestingly, the movie highlights the importance of mental toughness. In fact, more than overcoming physical challenges, many participants of the first Paralympic games had to overcome the belief that they would never again rise from their physical injuries.
As I am preparing this page, you may stream the movie FREE on YouTube.
Related post: How Important Is Mental Toughness For Triathlon?
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Wonderful articles as usual🙂
Thank you for the feedback Marty.