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  • Triathlon At The United States and Canada Senior Games
    I first became acquainted with the Senior Games through Jeanne Minder, whose triathlon story first appeared here on September 6, 2018. Jeanne was the gold medalist in triathlon at the 2015 National Senior Games held in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota. According to the NSGA website, her time that year is the 7th best overall in the Women’s 60-64 age group. Then, …
  • What Does The Bible Say About Triathlon?
    The Bible does not include the word “triathlon”. However, it mentions many aspects of the sport as a metaphor for life. Introduction Over the past decade and a half, I have trained for and competed in triathlons across the United States. I have also heard and read the stories of many senior triathletes and multisport athletes. From these, I have …
  • Want To Travel The World? Think About The World Masters Games
    Want to combine travel across the globe with triathlon? If yes, then the World Masters Games or the regional Masters Games may be for you. About IMGA Since 1985, the International Masters Games Association (IMGA) has served as the representative body of Masters sport across the world. Recognized by the International Olympic Committee, IMGA is a non-profit organization whose goal …
  • First Ironman Triathlon: Fun Facts
    During my recent flight to Honolulu, Hawaii, I read “Where It All Began – The 1978 Hawaiian Iron Man Triathlon” by Tom Knoll. In this book, Mr. Knoll describes how the iconic long course triathlon known today as IRONMAN® or IRONMAN 140.6 stemmed from a casual conversation between three guys in late 1977. He along with friends Dan Hedrickson and …
  • Should You Choose Your Triathlon Distance Based On Body Type?
    Does your body type make you better suited to compete at a particular triathlon distance? Are you better suited for sprint triathlons or for Ironman distance races? I started wondering this after recently finishing a difficult training. This post summarizes what I learned while looking for an answer to this question. In Search of the Ideal Triathlon Distance Most of …
  • At What Age Do Senior Triathletes Start Triathlon?
    At what age did you start to compete in triathlon? What was the reason? I started wondering when I read an article, which is sad in many ways, titled “Fast Cars, Nips & Tucks, Swim, Bike, and Run? Is The “Midlife Crisis Tri” A Thing?“. Furthermore, was it reasonable to consider getting into triathlon later in life? I have had …
  • Triathlon’s Greatest Challenges for Seniors
    During the first four months of 2021, I published a one-question survey on The survey asked about triathlon’s greatest challenges for seniors, both beginner and experienced triathletes. Meanwhile, here is a summary of the responses. What Are the Greatest Challenges with Triathlon for Senior Triathletes? The bar chart below summarizes results of the 2021 survey. For readability, I have …
  • How Are Multisport Businesses Coping With COVID-19?
    April 14, 2020 – We hear a lot these days about the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on small businesses. Among these businesses are the ones near and dear to our hearts who put on multisport events. While the triathlon season has not started for most of the northern hemisphere, there is an air of uncertainty. Some races have been …
  • My Favorite Triathlon Websites
    The internet abounds with information about training, preparing, and planning for a triathlon, and most of us these days have great internet from somewhere like spectrum internet in order to access this information with ease. Through my years taking part in the sport, I have come across many websites, among the best websites for triathletes, especially those age 50 and …
  • Book Review – Train to Tri: Your First Triathlon
    Looking to complete your first triathlon? Want to inspire and motivate your children, grandchildren, parents, friends, or co-workers? If so, Train To Tri: Your First Triathlon by Linda Cleveland and Kris Swarthout is for you.  This 246-page guide provides the essential information needed to prepare for your first triathlon. Authors: Linda Cleveland and Kris Swarthout, both USA Triathlon Level 2 …
  • 5 Unique Triathlon Medals; They are No Longer Just Metal
    Finisher medals and age group awards can be one of the treats of completing a triathlon if only to see the creativity of the race organizers.  The following pictures show the 5 most unique triathlon medals I have received, in order of race date.
  • Triathlon – From Humble Beginnings to International Sport
    On September 25, 1974, a small group in San Diego, CA decided to try (pun intended) a ‘strange type of race’ involving running, biking, and swimming.  Today, the sport is well organized, international, and includes races for nearly every age and ability.
  • 15 Reasons for Those 50 and Older to Do Triathlons
    Triathlon is a sport for all ages. In any triathlon, you will find seniors regularly competing alongside those the ages of their children and, in my case, older grandchildren. Sometimes, seniors even compete alongside their children. An important benefit of triathlon for seniors comes from the training. Preparing for a triathlon is a great way to develop and maintain whole-body …