Aging Athletically: Becoming a Sexagenarian and a Triathlete

Urban Yoga 2012

Urban Yoga 2012

By Jessica Perkins – In 2014 before my 58th birthday, I made the decision to complete a triathlon before my 60th birthday in June 2016. My decision wasn’t really out of the blue because for many prior birthdays, I always completed a physical challenge, which, for me, equated to feeling alive and functioning.


Learning About Triathlon

At the time of my decision, I knew very little about triathlons, other than the swim-bike-run sequence. While I wasn’t a couch potato – I had slogged a few 5Ks and practiced Bikram yoga 3 to 4 times weekly with a few 30 to 60-day challenges over the previous five years – my swimming, biking and running were more recreational than competitive. Luckily, in this era of having information at our fingertips, I conducted Internet research and watched YouTube videos to learn more. One valuable piece of information gleaned was triathlon distances vary from a combined mileage total of approximately eight miles (super sprint) to 140.3 miles (Ironman). I thought, “Whew, at least my goal was doable because all I knew about was the Ironman held in Kona.” Also, I learned that triathlons could be fully and partially indoors, as well as fully outdoors.

After my research, I realized my goal was somewhat of an anomaly for many reasons. I am an African American female who is slightly overweight and was approaching sexagenarian status. The demographics of an average triathlete don’t even come close to my profile. According to the 2015 USA Triathlon (USAT) Membership Demographics Survey, 6% of the registered females were between 50 and 59 years of age and only 1% were between 60 and 69 years of age. By the way, participating in triathlons later in life means fewer competitors in your age group. There is always a chance you will place in the top three. “Podium, baby!”

Additionally, in 2009, USAT reported that only ½ of 1% (.005) of triathletes were African Americans! Ironically, this statistic was the impetus for the 2014 formation of the Black Triathletes Association, a social networking group and official USAT club of nearly 3,300 members who share triathlon related information daily through Facebook and who have meet-ups at many local, national and international events.

Of course, you could ask, “Why so few African Americans or so few females over the age of 50?” There are many barriers to entry for the demographics mentioned, but that could be the focus of another article. These statistics did become another goal for competing – showing others, especially those matching my demographics, that it could be done.


Getting Started

Like many triathletes, my Achilles heel was swimming. I enrolled in group classes, took private lessons, hired a triathlon coach and even attended a Total Immersion (TI) weekend boot camp during 2015. I figured if I didn’t survive the swim, I couldn’t cycle, a sport I enjoyed leisurely. My swimming progress was as slow as molasses, but I was progressing, just not as rapidly as I wanted. I swam 2 to 3 times weekly, but after TI camp I increased my training to four times weekly.

“This could be me.” Tri Try Edwardsville, April 2015

“This could be me.” -Tri Try Edwardsville, April 2015

The motivational literature says “set a goal”, then train for that goal. I registered for Try Tri Edwardsville’s super sprint (150-yard pool swim, 10-mile cycle, and a two-mile run) in April 2015. As the date approached, I began second guessing myself and I decided not to participate. Although the date came and went and I had my first DNS (Did Not Start), I did observe the race as a spectator and realized, I was more than capable of swimming the distance.

Lesson Learned: Trust your training and always show up unless you are physically unable.


Being Active Yields Unexpected Benefits

Not being deterred by my DNS, during the next three months, I trained in all three sports and prepared for another pool swim triathlon in August. The distance was a bit longer, but I felt confident and ready.

However, in July 2015, I contracted a virus that developed into Guillain-Barre, an autoimmune disease attacking the peripheral nervous system. Within days and for three weeks, I was in unbearable pain all over my body and my right arm was paralyzed! Before being diagnosed, I wondered if my goal would be thwarted before I even approached the start line. Finally, I went to a neurologist and she ran a nerve conduction test and confirmed that I had Guillain-Barre.

My results were so low that I should not have been able to walk unassisted or even balance on one foot. But I did. After telling the neurologist my story, she surmised that my years of yoga and recent triathlon training probably made me stronger than most and I was able to fight off the virus without any medical intervention. It took me about three months to regain my strength fully and in September of 2015, I was back in training mode.

 Lesson Learned: Stay active because you never know how that strengthens you physically and mentally for other challenges in life.


Participating in My First Indoor Triathlon, Finally!

The body is a wonderful healing machine because, in December 2015, I completed my first indoor triathlon (300-yard pool swim, 10-mile spinning cycle and 3-mile treadmill run)! Funny, I did not feel like a triathlete, just someone who was a multi-sport athlete. Why? I was slow and sore afterward! I thought falsely that if I trained, I would be fast and pain-free.

Throughout the winter, I competed in three more indoor triathlons and got stronger and faster. I was ready for redemption at my first and only DNS race from earlier in 2015.


Progressing to the Big Leagues – Try Tri Again

I registered for Try Tri Edwardsville’s super sprint in April 2016. Much to my surprise, my 27-year old son, Chris, who was attending graduate school in New York, flew in and raced with me. We both finished the race – he, the sprint and me, the super sprint. It felt amazing to finish. Even though I was one of the last ones, I wasn’t THE LAST!

“We got it done!” Tri Try Edwardsville, April 2016

“We got it done!” -Tri Try Edwardsville,, April 2016

Progressing to the Big Leagues – First Open Water Triathlon

My first OW (open water) sprint triathlon – the St. Louis Inaugural Triathlon – was in May 2016. With it being only 10 minutes from my home, I had to participate. But the open water wasn’t my friend. I had three practices in open water prior to the race and all were dismal. Being unable to sight and touch the bottom made me panic. Unfortunately, the practice the day before the race was the worse one.

“Rocking the Medal from First OW” St. Louis Triathlon, May 2016

“Rocking the Medal from First Open Water” -St. Louis Triathlon, May 2016

I came home that evening doubting my skills and I almost decided another DNS would be a part of my record. Luckily, my significant other talked some sense into me and I participated with my snorkel! It took me one hour to swim 750 meters! This was a newbie friendly race and as long as a swimmer wasn’t a detriment to themselves or others, the kayakers would stay with the swimmer. I finished my first open water triathlon by the grace of God, a lifeguard named Phillip and my sheer determination not to ever have another first attempt at an OW triathlon.

Lesson Learned: Build your support network – friends, family members and tri club members. When you second guess yourself, they will encourage you, challenge your thinking and if necessary, kick you in the behind!

 Finally, I felt like a triathlete, not just a multi-sport athlete. Even though I wasn’t quite 60, the number on my leg said I was! After my first OW experience, I vowed never to use the dreaded snorkel again in a race. I looked like a waterlogged elephant!


Participating in My First National Race“Rocking another Medal” Chicago Triathlon August 2016

Before my “A” race, the Chicago Triathlon, I participated in another local OW triathlon in July. The Chicago Triathlon is/was an event to remember. First, it was my first non-local race; second, with more than 9,000 triathletes participating over two days, it was the largest; and third, it had the largest expo, I have ever seen. Note to self…save a little extra from the triathlon budget for the larger races.


In Chicago, I also met some BTA members who had traveled from all over the U.S. to participate.  Luckily, BTA was able to race in the charity wave. Why was that important? My swimming still wasn’t as strong as it needed to be and by racing in the earlier charity wave, I was guaranteed to make the cut-off. The swim was okay, the cycling was amazing as the route was on Lake Shore Drive and the run was uneventful, but steaming hot. I finished triathlon #10!

“Rocking Another Medal” Chicago Triathlon August 2016

“Rocking Another Medal” -Chicago Triathlon August 2016

Lesson Learned: Enjoy the journey, regardless of how slow the progress. You will eventually arrive.

Finishing My First Competition Year

As I closed out 2016, I competed in a race that occurs in both the spring and fall of the year. I was hoping to show great improvements across all sports. Unfortunately, a late flight the night before and high temperatures and humidity during the race slowed me down considerably. At the finish line, I had a slight asthma attack and I hadn’t experienced breathing problems in more than five decades. Again, I finished!

 Lesson Learned: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, at least three days prior to a race. Always listen to your body and adjust, as necessary.


Reflecting on the Journey

Starting with a seedling of a thought three years ago, my triathlon garden has bloomed, but not as I expected. If you are a gardener, you understand the first growth year of a perennial is a hit or miss.  In the second year, that perennial is normally very healthy and grows larger; and in the third year, you might be able to divide it and start new plantings. With my newfound experience and knowledge, I can now recruit others to tri-life, the available resources and what it can offer. Additionally, I have made a point to debunk many triathlon myths about costs, training, and ability, so others might consider this journey.

Since my first triathlon in December 2015, I have completed 13 races and by December 2017, I will have a least three more under my belt. In the first year, my goal was to finish each race and I accomplished that. Now, in my second full year, my goal is to improve my time while managing my nutritional needs before, during and after an event and hopefully, finish the year with an Olympic distance race. Mentally, I am preparing for a HIM (half Ironman) for late 2018. My HIM registration and participation will depend on my ability to meet my speed, distance and nutritional goals in 2017.



Here are my takeaways from the first two years…

  • Anyone, regardless of age and physical ability, can compete in a triathlon with sufficient training. Start with short distance pool swim triathlons and work your way to the longer distances with open water swims. You have to want it bad enough and not be afraid to try.
  • Mental fortitude and grit are just as important as physical ability. In the past two years, my focus has been on improving my swim technique and I have trained minimally for the bike and run. Yet, I have finished all my races because my mind tells me I can and I will. For the second year, in order to achieve my goals of faster speeds and longer distances, I am training at least three days weekly in each sport. After the swim, you can push through the cycle and run, but without sufficient training, your speed will never increase.
  • Taking on a challenge bigger than you expect to handle exposes you to new people and perspectives. It keeps you physically and mentally growing. I have met so many amazing and inspiring athletes (young and old) who all have their own reasons for taking this journey. Learn their stories and when it gets tough, remember someone has walked in your shoes before.
  • Finally, don’t just race, volunteer at races. I have just as much fun cheering other triathletes to their victories because I understand what it means to live to “tri” another day.

Much Success to All!

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What If I Want to Do An Ironman Triathlon? – Tom Lipp’s Story

Senior Triathlete Tom Lipp took the plunge and competed in his first full Ironman triathlon. Is an Ironman triathlon on your ‘bucket list’?

Its Starts With Inspiration

Track anyone’s start in triathlon or ask them about it. I am sure you will find ‘inspiration’ or some form of the word among the reasons they took part in their first race. Someone inspired them.

For the new Senior Triathlete Tom Lipp of Aberdeen, South Dakota, the inspiration came when he first watched his daughter complete the Fargo, North Dakota half marathon. The next year, he ran this race with his daughter and “was hooked”.

His first triathlon, one completed in 2012 with his uncle Kirby Martz, was the sprint distance Bismarck Triathlon in Bismarck, North Dakota. Later that year, he completed his second triathlon, an Olympic distance event, at the Young Life Triathlon in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.

Exiting the water at Ironman Wisconsin

There are many stories of those for whom triathlon has become part of an active lifestyle. Training for the first race leads to more training. A second triathlon leads to a goal of improving performance “just a little”. For many, these early triathlons lead to longer distance races.

While I have only completed sprint distance triathlons until now, I have certainly wondered about completing what I consider the ultimate triathlon—the Ironman 140.6 comprising a 2.4 mile (3.9 km) swim, 112 miles (180 km) bike, and 26.2 miles (42 km) run.  I am sure that I am not alone.

So when I learned Tom was planning to complete Ironman Wisconsin, I asked him to record and share his experience with other Senior Triathletes.

The rest of the post is based on Tom’s comments about his experience in preparing for and competing in his first Ironman 140.6.

As a preface to his comments, Ironman Wisconsin consistently ranks as one of the most difficult. In 2016, Ironman Wisconsin ranked 9th in difficulty, according to Ironindex™.

My point? Tom did not only take on a longer distance, but he did so in one of the more difficult triathlons.

Why Did You Choose An Ironman?

“The inspiration for Ironman came almost immediately after I completed my first triathlon. I set the goal in 2012 after becoming aware of the sport and its history. There are so many motivating and inspirational stories, and I enjoy the lifestyle it requires and the challenges it offers.”

A flat piece of the bike course at Ironman Wisconsin

How Did You Train For Ironman Wisconsin?

“I started training about one year before the race when a co-worker (a 2X Ironman) asked me to join a group of three others in training for Ironman Wisconsin (IMWI).

I really enjoyed training with the others in the group. Training with one of the guys, in particular, made the hard workouts not only easier but enjoyable.  Unfortunately, our schedules made training as a group difficult. In fact, about 90% of my training was alone.

Training plan

In hindsight, I am sure that a coach would have been a great asset. However, I used a free 36-week training program that I found at

I didn’t follow it perfectly—I did not do all the speed workouts—though think I should have followed the plan more closely.

Dealing with injuries

Full of motivation, I quickly and dramatically increased my running and biking.  Within two weeks, I acquired a sore left knee that would ‘pop’ and sore Achilles tendons. I spent the next few weeks stretching, icing and working out at a reduced level.

After my initial burst, I was careful with injuries. It is hard to know if the pain was something to push through or something that needed rest. If I felt a strain, I leaned on the side of caution.

I used a foam roller and cups of ice to massage the sore or strained areas.”

Tom’s Tip: To apply ice to sore areas, fill a frozen Styrofoam cup with water and freeze the water.  Cut the bottom one inch (25 mm) of the cup to expose the ice.  Rub the ice on sore or strained areas.

Tom Lipp, Ironman Senior Triathlete

What Was Your Experience From Ironman Wisconsin?

“I was first struck by the number of participants, nearly 3,000. Compare this to the hundred or so for the shorter distance events I had previously done.

Then there was the course. The hills in Wisconsin are VERY different from the hills in northern South Dakota. I was not prepared for them and the bike course took a little more out of me than I had planned, which increased my run time.

The other thing that struck me was the support that the spectators gave us. Ironman events aren’t like the normal triathlon. The crowds are huge and fan support along the bike and run make the race something to remember.”

The ‘home stretch’ at Ironman Wisconsin. The spectators, especially family members, make a huge difference.

What Have You Learned From Triathlon?

“Triathlon is the same as work or life. You need a goal, you need a plan, you need a reward, and most of all you need family support.”

It’s a family affair

“My family support was awesome and my wife Kami was incredible over the year of training. She had more than enough reasons to be upset with my lack of participation in chores, my going to bed early on a beautiful summer night, and my general absence. Instead, she picked up my slack.

Having my kid’s support throughout the summer and having them at the event meant a great deal to me.  It would not have been the same without them.”

Our bodies and mind adapt

“This experience has taught me I should never stop challenging myself. Our bodies and mind are incredible and able to adapt to whatever we throw at them.”

Advice For Other Senior Triathletes

What advice do you have for Senior Triathletes who have completed a shorter distance triathlon and are thinking about the Ironman distance?

  • Discuss it with the important people in your life who will be affected by your training. Their support and understanding will be vital.
  • Complete at least one half Ironman distance race.
  • Commit, commit, commit!
  • Find a plan or coach to guide you through the training.
  • Increase slowly and take care of anything that seems like an injury.
  • Enjoy the journey—-It is worth it!

Are You Ready To Tri?

A common misperception about triathlon is that Ironman is synonymous with triathlon. This probably comes from the world-famous Ironman Championship in Kona, Hawaii covered on national TV.

In fact, there are triathlon distances and events for nearly everyone—from Super Sprint to full Ironman. There are some triathlons in which kayaking replaces swimming. There are even winter triathlons comprising running, biking, and cross-country skiing.

Many events also make relay teams an option in which you can take part in one or two of the legs if you are not ready to compete in all three.

What Have You Learned From Training for an Ironman Triathlon?

I know of many readers who have completed Ironman or long course triathlons. What is the one piece of advice you can offer prospective Senior Ironman triathletes?

“Training for My First Triathlon”- Liz Lawson’s Story

By Liz Lawson – It’s been quite the year so far!  I turned 54 last December and little did I know what the coming year would hold for me – training for and completing my first triathlon.

Even though I have lived in Raleigh, North Carolina for three years, I am still settling in.  Working from home resulted in me sometimes feeling a little isolated.   I was pretty down on everything.

Then, in September, a friend suggested to me that I think about training for a sprint triathlon.  She had joined a local training group and completed her first sprint triathlon two years earlier.  She said it was life-changing.

Deciding to Tri

I agreed to start training for a triathlon, mostly to not disappoint her, wondering what would happen.  I joined a North Carolina-based group called Tri It For Life (TIFL), whose focus is on getting women to move, and began a 3-month program designed to prepare me for my first sprint triathlon.  Our training was aimed at competing in the Ramblin’ Rose, a series of five sprint triathlons held for women in North Carolina.

I cannot say enough about how incredible this organization is.  Tri It For Life is volunteer-driven.  All the women who mentor the athletes have gone through the program.  And, all of them continue with their triathlete ways.

After I paid for the training program, I literally broke into a cold sweat.  I could barely swim!!  I couldn’t even complete a 25-yard lap, and certainly not using a freestyle stroke.  That forced me to do something I’d been putting off for years – learning to swim.  I was terrified of drowning.

Getting Started in Training for My First Triathlon

I enrolled in swim classes at the Raleigh city pools. Although I was gasping for air most of the time, I was feeling a whole lot more confident.  Then at the end of December, I had to have minor knee surgery.   By mid-January, all I wanted to do was get back in the pool.

The TIFL training started in February.  At the kick-off meeting, I started to realize this – the triathlon – was going to happen and I was terrified.   I hadn’t been on a bike for 16 years and was still hobbling a bit because of my knee surgery.  However, at least I could now swim the length of the pool without drowning.

I quickly learned that I was not alone.  Our group was definitely a ‘mixed bag’ – some of the ladies were great runners, but wanted to train to swim; others were good swimmers but wanted to train to bike.  Then there were those who deserved the greatest admiration, those who had almost never been in water, hadn’t been on a bike since they were 5 years old, and did not run.

There was no judgment and no competition.  We all had the same goal….to do the Ramblin’ Rose triathlon!

Our training involved swimming two nights per week, biking on Sunday afternoon, and running/walking one evening.   The intensity built each week.

Fast Progress in Training for My First Triathlon

Two months into the program, we were swimming between 500 and 700 yards twice a week.

The bike training started with learning about gears and how to use them.  Then, we started training on a portion of the actual route with some gnarly hills – one, in particular, was most people’s nemesis.  We started bike training two times per week.

Ramblin' Rose triathlon
The weeks of bike training leading up to the Rambin’ Rose prepared us for our first triathlon

We were also taught about transition, nutrition – every aspect of a triathlon.  The TIFL mentors shared all their experiences with us.

In addition to the training that was part of the program, groups of us would get together for additional training – an ad-hoc Saturday meet up for a bike ride or an extra swim.

We all encouraged each other – even on the days when we were thinking “I can’t do this”.  There was always someone to encourage us to take the extra step, do the extra lap, or get further up the hill before getting off to push.

There was no judgment and no competition.  We all had the same goal….to do the Ramblin’ Rose triathlon!  

Liz Lawson

One month before the actual event, TIFL held a mock-triathlon.  We put together all of our training on a Sunday morning – including transition – and did our first swim/bike/run.  This event was designed so we’d know what the real day would be like – what a wonderful experience.  We even got medals for finishing the mock!  The first medal I’d ever had in my life. For anything.

Race Day – Completing My First Triathlon

On the day of Ramblin’ Rose, we had fun. Yes, it was daunting to go from a training group of 50 to a race including 700 athletes. but we got through the event and there was nothing like coming to the finish line and seeing a big group of the mentors (now volunteering at the event) cheering us through and presenting our medal.

Liz Lawson celebrates completing her first triathlon

Continuing to Train

Once the event was over, I was so upset that my training time with Tri It For Life was coming to an end.  But as a result of our experience, most of us had ‘drunk the kool-aid’ and kept going!  I did another triathlon a month after Ramblin’ Rose.

Last weekend I did my first open water swim.  I can do 1000+ yards in the pool, though I am still working on the non-stop bit :-).   I’ve also signed up for the Tour de Femme bike ride and hoping to do at least two other sprint triathlons over the next year.

I’ve had a session with a running coach to learn how to do it properly.  I have some problem with my Achilles tendon which is keeping me back from running, but this doesn’t have to stop everything else.

We meet up and bike each week.  Some of the girls I train with will likely complete 6 or more events by the end of the year.  Participating in the IronKiwi was a blast – and a blessing as it kept me focused on continuing to train.

Once the event was over, I was so upset that my training time with Tri It For Life was coming to an end.

Liz Lawson

As I am writing this, I am on vacation for two weeks, but can’t wait to get back and get started again.  I’ve learned so much.   It’s changed my life and I just want to keep going.

What Was Your Experience Training For and Competing in Your First Triathlon?

Let us know your experience with your first triathlon and what you learned through it.

Share your comments below.

This post was originally published on July 5, 2016. It was updated with new formatting on January 13, 2021.

‘Live Like Josh’ – Terry Seidel’s Story

Terri Seidel’s triathlon story is about training for her first triathlon and, in doing so, pushing herself beyond her ‘comfort zone’. Her story is also about honoring a son by doing something he had thoroughly enjoyed.

It was during the TriZou Triathlon that I learned about the Josh Seidel Memorial Foundation. Following the triathlon, Terri and I made contact through friends of her son, Josh. We had both competed in the TriZou Sprint Triathlon, Terri as part of a relay and I as an individual.

Terri’s story was originally published on July 2, 2016. More than five years later, I still think of her courage in participating in the same triathlon her son had done years earlier.

As you read her story, I hope you will find encouragement to take part in triathlon even if you are not sure you can.

Terri’s story below is based on what I heard about her experience leading up to and participating in her first triathlon.

Deciding to Tri

“If I am going to do this triathlon, I need to commit to training”. Those were my words as I sat and discussed with my husband the thought of me participating in the 2016 TriZou Triathlon, my first triathlon.

My husband had participated in TriZou the year before. For me, participating in a triathlon was something I wanted to accomplish.

But, Why TriZou Triathlon?

The TriZou Triathlon and DuZou Duathlon are held every May at the University of Missouri in Columbia, also known as Mizzou. In recent years, it had attracted about 600 participants. It’s one of the largest triathlons in the Midwest. My husband, all three of our children, as well as countless brothers, brother-in-laws, nieces, and nephews, have all graduated from Mizzou.

My son Josh participated annually at the TriZou. It was one of his favorite events.

In 2013, Josh’s life was tragically taken in an industrial accident at the business he owned. After his death, a group of his high school and college friends established the Josh Seidel Memorial (JSM) Foundation, a foundation created to carry on Josh’s legacy by awarding scholarships and helping schools and other organizations.

The foundation created a tagline that summarizes what it’s all about.

LIVE LIKE JOSH: Work Hard – Play Hard – Help Others.

That is how Josh lived. He worked very hard. As an entrepreneur, he co-founded a successful manufacturing business in St. Louis. In spite of the long, 60-hour weeks that all new businesses need to thrive, Josh would also play hard. And, TriZou was an example of that. He would train for this event and participate with a goal of improving his time each year.

TriZou becomes ‘SlyZou’

In 2014, a group of Josh’s friends from Mizzou decided they were going to carry on his tradition by participating in the TriZou in honor of him. Those participating unofficially renamed the TriZou to SlyZou recognizing Josh’s nickname, Sly. From here forward, we referred to this event as the SlyZou.

That year, we had seven participate in the event. There were also 21 spectators. It was really heartwarming to see his friends continue his legacy and participate in an event that meant so very much to Josh.

In 2015, participants connected with the JSM Foundation soared to 15 with 18 supporters cheering them on. Josh’s dad, Mike, participated in the DuZou, which consisted of a one-mile run, seven-mile bike, and one-mile run.

At age 59, Mike finished and actually won a medal in the Clydesdale class (above 220 pounds) for his age group. However, in his words, the race almost killed him.

The missing ingredient was he hadn’t committed to training to the level I knew I needed for me to take part in this race. He had trained briefly, running to attempt to pick up his endurance. However, he had only registered about 20 miles total on the bike before the event. My thought was that if you are riding 7 miles the day of the race, a collective 20 miles is hardly considered “training”.

Choosing the Relay for TriZou 2016

So as my husband and I discussed participating in the 2016 Triathlon, I told him I would do it. I wanted to do it, but knew training was the key to success.

With less than six months to train while balancing other commitments, I could not see training for the complete triathlon.

Given the timing, that I look like a baby calf taking his first steps when I run, and that my biking skills are not great, we decided to make this a family event. I along with my two daughters would participate as a relay team this year. (See Reason #11 of 15 Reasons for Those 50 and Older to Do Triathlons.)

My daughters agreed that I would swim the 400 meters, my youngest daughter Lindsay (33) would bike the 14 miles, and my oldest daughter Katie (36) would run the 5k leg of the race. At 60 years old and generally in good shape but certainly not being a fitness buff, I did not see tackling a triathlon by myself as a smart move. At least given the time I had before the event.

Training for the Three Legs of a Triathlon Takes Time

Triathlons are something you prepare for over time. You enter a series of 5k runs to prepare and get comfortable with the run distance. On top of this, you train by biking longer distances on weekend mornings so a 14-mile race is achievable. Finally, you swim a lot at the local pool.

That is one of the beautiful things about TriZou. You can participate at many levels, so the barrier of entry for those who have not participated in this type of event goes away.

In addition to the Sprint TriZou race (400 m swim, 14 mile bike, 5 km run), they offer relay teams (same distances as sprint), super sprints (100m swim, 7 mile bike, 1 mile run), and a duathlon called DuZou (no swimming; 1 mile run, 7 mile bike, followed by a second 1 mile run). There are also divisions for those with extra pounds like my husband, called Clydesdale for men and Athena for the women.

Training for My First Triathlon

I joined our local YMCA about 4 months before the SlyZou. It was winter in St. Louis and I was going to have to get into a pool and log some serious miles if I wanted to complete this event.

Nervously, I entered the 25 meter pool at the Y for the first time, and barely made it from one end to the other. I’ve been swimming my entire life. We have spent countless weekends at the lake. However, I learned that the type of swimming I had done with these was not like that of a triathlon.

I quickly realized that floating on a noodle and swimming back to the boat for another cocktail is NOT swimming training.

Terri Seidel

Nevertheless, twenty five meters later I was at the other end of the pool, out of breath and overwhelmed. That I had to swim the equivalent of 16 laps of this pool, without stopping, to complete my leg of the race was more than intimidating.

Applying job skills to training

I’m a regional Vice President for a large company that owns and operates Ambulatory Surgery Centers across the country. In our daily business operations, we tackle new goals and accomplish new tasks every day.

I assist my employees and help them accomplish these goals, but it always boils back down to the same basic strategy I was going to need to accomplish this SlyZou event:

  1. Prepare.
  2. Get the tools and processes in place that you need to succeed.
  3. Address the issue with confidence that you can achieve it.
  4. Then execute the work.

I knew I needed to prepare myself physically for this event in the same way.

Getting a Swim Coach

The first step was to inquire about a swimming instructor at the Y. I felt I could improve a lot, but if I didn’t know where to focus, chances were slim that I actually would improve.

Stacy, my personal trainer for the next 4 months, was a gift from heaven. First, she analyzed my stroke.

I have often wondered what she really thought when she saw me swim a lap on the first day. Anyway, she quickly identified my strong and weak points and what I needed to work on to finish this race.

We started off slow. I committed to 3 days per week of training, We met at the pool where we worked on a particular area that would improve my swimming skills.

Sometimes, we worked on my stroke. Other times it was my breathing or my kick. Whatever it happened to be that day or week or month, Stacy would work with me, improving my skills. I also made sure I had the right swimsuit for training.

Building Endurance

My endurance started to improve. I still could not swim the entire 400 m without stopping, but I was getting stronger, and she would time me on my laps. She would discover that I hit a threshold, early in my swimming. I could be a couple of laps into my training, and I would slow down.

Stacy used her knowledge to help me learn things I would have never discovered on my own. Her suggestions helped tremendously.

Training for Actual Race Conditions for My First Triathlon

We also worked on the actual race day condition. Stacy knew this was going to be a very emotional event for me since, unlike many of the other participants, I was swimming for a cause.

Besides, she also recognized I had never participated in a race of any kind before so helped me plan the day of the race. For example, we discussed when to stretch, when to warm up outside the pool, and what to expect during the swim. These extras were a great help, especially since I had never been in a race in my 60 years of life.

Stacy also recruited other swimmer friends at the Y who were there for a normal workout. She would have them swim in front of me so that I got used to people swimming by me. Through this, I learned how to adjust my breathing for a very disturbed pool condition such as when you have 100 people in the water stirring it up lap by lap.

Before I knew it, we reached the last day of my training. ‘Ready or not, here I come.’

I felt ready. I was confident that I could swim my portion of the race.

Race Day

Since the race started very early in the morning, we traveled to Columbia the night before and got a hotel room. The rest of my relay team, our girls, and their families were also there.

There were 25 racers on “Team SlyZou” and equally as many supporters cheering them on. There were many husbands and wives who participated, a few other relay teams in our group, and a few DuZou participants.

Me? Nervous!

I was nervous, as expected, mainly because I really didn’t know what to expect. Even though my husband and I lived in Columbia for two years when he finished school, I had never been in the pool complex at Mizzou. It had only been built a few years earlier so was not part of Mizzou when we were there.

To say I was overwhelmed when I walked into the pool area was an understatement. First, the complex is amazing. On top of this, over 500 swimmers had packed into it. There I was, staring at a beautiful eight-lane, 50 meter pool, one of the finest pools in the Midwest.

There was also a lot going on. The race organizer was making announcements on the Public Address system. Big screen TV’s on the wall were displaying times. People all around me were talking and laughing while going through their pre-race routines. Meanwhile, there I was, standing mesmerized and scared to death of what I had signed up for.

Mizzou Aquatic Center at the University of Missouri at Columbia, venue for the swim leg of the TriZou Triathlon.

The relay teams swam after all full TriZou participants, so I was very near the end of the line of people to jump in the pool. About two hours after the “Elite” participants had started, I jumped into the pool. About that time, the thought occurred to me that the “Elite “racers were finished with the entire event, the entire TriZou, and I was just getting started.

It’s Time to Swim

We lined up in order of the time which we expected to complete the swim. This was done to prevent faster swimmers from running into a slower swimmer in front of them. As we crept forward toward the time when I would cross the timing mat and jump into the pool, I had to keep telling myself ‘Stay calm. You can do this. It’s no different than the YMCA.’

It was no different except for the fact that I had about 50 supporters, including grandkids, my husband, friends who had driven 100 miles to see this happen, in the stands. Even my mom was there. She had driven up to watch – and support – me. Sure, it was no different than the YMCA. Right!

As I jumped into the pool, all I could hear were grandkids yelling “Go Mimi. We love you.” That difference from the YMCA training was one I thoroughly enjoyed.

Some of Terri Seidel’s supporters – her grandkids Brooks, Tommy, Grace, Samantha, Graham – ready to cheer on ‘Mimi’.

I finished my first 50 meters and actually felt pretty good. The pool was not cold. I never experienced another swimmer tapping my feet to pass. My breathing was just like in training with the chop of the pool. I was sure I could do this.

After about 200 meters, I started to get tired. Since we had trained for this, I worked the plan and switched to the back stroke for a lap to recover somewhat. I could see that I was keeping pace. While I didn’t know my time, I was not passing anyone and they weren’t passing me. I assumed I was keeping my pace.

While I was counting laps – 8, now only 7, now 6, – somehow, when I got to my last 50 meter lap. I thought I still had three laps to go. We were swimming a zig-zag pattern, down the pool under the ropes, and back up the next lane, so when I saw the pool edge, I said: “I’m on my last lap. I thought I had 150 m to go”.

The Final Length

As I made my final turn, I could hear those who had come to see us cheering me on. It was at that point that I knew I would make it.

In no time, I found myself at the ladder at the end of my 400 meters; I was an emotional mess. After all, I was swimming this for my son Josh. I am certain he helped me finish.

I climbed out of the pool, and now had about a 150 yard run to the transition point. Here, I would pass my ankle bracelet for timing (the timing chip) to my daughter. As I came out of the Natatorium, all I could see and hear were cheers from the supporters standing outside the doorway.

Reflecting After the Swim in My First Triathlon

I had accomplished the goal I had set six months earlier. The swim portion of the race my son loved so much was over. After passing off the timing chip to my daughter, I sat at the steps around the transition area and cried.

Reflecting on the result of training for my first triathlon
Terri Seidel reflecting on the swimming accomplishment after completing the 400 meter swim in TriZou 2016.

While I completed only one leg of a triathlon, it was a major accomplishment for me.

I had been challenged physically before with work-related “team building” events. I ran a half marathon as a work event; remember earlier I told you I can’t run well. I hiked the Grand Canyon Rim To Rim in one day, starting at 3am and climbing out the top at 5pm, as a team building exercise. The National Parks Department won’t even let you do that if you tell them your intentions.

Set your goals, it’s a challenge. I’m normally one of the oldest if not the oldest in our group when doing these events – so to me they are a big accomplishment. Finishing this 400m in honor of our son tops all of those challenges – by far.

My daughters finished their individual legs of the relay as expected with decent times, and we were all happy to finish the event.

Training for my first triathlon made me part of this relay team
Team Boy (the nickname they gave to Josh) – Terri Seidel, Lindsay Bosworth, Katie Eisel

What I Learned From Training and Competing in My First Triathlon

Through this experience, Terri said that she had learned some lessons for other first-timers:

– Establish challenging yet obtainable goals, especially if over age 50.

If you want to finish a triathlon, maybe start out with a sprint, or a relay, or a DuZou, and work your way up to the main event. If you jump immediately into a triathlon, you may during training find it unobtainable and quit. You are better off accomplishing a smaller task toward the ultimate goal, than quitting and never getting to the ultimate goal.

– Train, Train, Train.

Eat right, train as many days per week as needed, and get your body ready for the physical challenge you are about to put it through. This type of event challenges your body – so get it as prepared as possible to minimize the risks of a heart attack or stroke, or some other physical event like torn muscles or joint injury.

– Have a reason or goal for the event.

In this case, I signed up and did this event in honor of my son Josh. Have a reason – a personal accomplishment, to show your spouse you care about your health (and theirs), to push your body and mind to be in better condition. Whatever it is, have a reason for participating.

On The Way Home After My First Triathlon

I will be 61 when the next SlyZou comes around. I turned to my husband on the drive back to St. Louis after this event, and with tears in my eyes, said “After I finished, I said to our son, OK Josh, mission accomplished – I did your race”.

Will I race again next year? Only time will tell.

Good luck to all those who read this and decide that they want to train for and participate in their first triathlon. My advice – if you do commit to the race, start your training now.


Team SlyZou 2016

Our Motto: LIVE LIKE JOSH – Work Hard / Play Hard / Help Others

The Josh Seidel Memorial Foundation is an organization created to continue the Legacy of Josh Seidel, whose life was tragically cut short in an industrial accident. The goal of this foundation is to honor the memory of Josh Seidel by assisting and inspiring young people to participate in programs or attend schools that build science, engineering and technical skills, encourage entrepreneurism and foster the connection of people for the greater good of our community. Through fundraising efforts, scholarships and financial assistance are given to students and schools. We rely heavily on fundraisiers to allow us to support students and schools. The foundation is a tax exempt 501 c 3 organization. For additional information, visit

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