What Does The Bible Say About Triathlon?

The Bible does not include the word “triathlon”. However, it mentions many aspects of the sport as a metaphor for life.


Over the past decade and a half, I have trained for and competed in triathlons across the United States. I have also heard and read the stories of many senior triathletes and multisport athletes. From these, I have come to appreciate the benefits of multisport endurance training and racing, particularly in developing physical endurance and mental toughness.

In an earlier post, Four Symptoms of Impatience In Triathlon Training, I highlighted the benefits of patience in triathlon training. Not surprising, the wisdom of patience is prominent in the Bible. I highlighted some of the Bible’s statements in that post.

I have also seen the Bible’s many references to training, racing, and endurance sports. To me, the Bible continues to provide the best explanation of humanity and of life and its purpose.

Millions of people apparently agree. According to Guinness World Records, more Bibles have been sold worldwide than any other book, an estimated five billion copies. And, that doesn’t count the many downloaded electronic versions, like the free YouVersion Bible App.

While finishing this post, I received an email with a link to a Wall Street Journal article titled “Sales of Bibles Are Booming, Fueled by First-Time Buyers and New Versions“. The December 1, 2024 article cites a 22% increase in Bible sales during the past year.

In this post, I share some of the Bible’s references to endurance sports training and racing. Hopefully, you will be inspired to look into these more on your own or with family and friends.

For reference, all Bible verses are from the New Living Translation (NLT).


“So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing. I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.” 1 Corinthians 9:26-27 (NLT)

The Apostle Paul, author of this passage, told his readers about his focus on telling others about God’s plan through Jesus, describing it as training with a purpose. Whether training for a race or competing in that race, most of us swim, bike, and run with a plan, a purpose. Otherwise, why bother? There are other ways to spend our time and money. The same is true in life. Be serious about what you commit yourself to.

Swimming, But Not Cycling

“as a swimmer pushes down water with his hands.” Isaiah 25:11 (NLT)

In this verse, the author, the prophet Isaiah, uses the analogy of a swim stroke to describe God stretching forth His arms to provide justice for His people.

Endurance Training

“If racing against mere men makes you tired, how will you race against horses? If you stumble and fall on open ground, what will you do in the thickets near the Jordan?” Jeremiah 12:5 (NLT)

This passage speaks of being prepared for difficulty. Life comes with difficulty, even if only seldom. Racing may also come with difficulty in the form of inclement weather, high or low temperature, or poor water or road conditions. It’s best to be prepared for these if you aspire to be a serious competitor.

“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” James 1:2-4 (NLT)

In these verses, James, the half-brother of Jesus, describes the value of difficulties in making us stronger. Isn’t this the idea behind progressive overload in triathlon training?

“We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance.” Romans 5:3 (NLT)

Here, the apostle Paul tells those in the Church to look at problems and trials as opportunities to develop endurance. Sound familiar? That’s the reason coaches advise us to not just train in pleasant weather, but also in conditions we might experience on race day.

Racing and Competing

“All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize.” 1 Corinthians 9:25 (NLT)

It is within our nature to compete. While there is such a thing as unhealthy competition, healthy competition in sports reminds us of the value of setting a goal for our life, then remaining committed to it. My counsel is that you choose the right goal(s).

“Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win!” 1 Corinthians 9:24 (NLT)

The apostle Paul, author of this letter to the church in Corinth, Greece, used an analogy of endurance racing for the Christian life. He knew that those who read his letter, or heard it read, would relate to this picture because of the popularity of the Isthmian Games in Corinth. He encouraged hearers to train for and compete to win in their spiritual life, with the same focus as athletes competing in the Games did.

“And athletes cannot win the prize unless they follow the rules.” 2 Timothy 2:5 (NLT)

Anyone racing in triathlon for a while has read accounts of or witnessed athletes attempting to cut corners or violate rules. One of the most common is drafting on the bike in non-drafting competitions. As in triathlon, we will never rightfully earn a reward in life while trying to cut corners or make up our own rules.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” Hebrews 12:1 (NLT)

Seldom, if ever, does one enter a triathlon or other endurance race wearing extra weights. So too, the Bible teaches us to shed the unnecessary weights or burdens that slow us down or hinder us from producing our best in the race called life.

Here’s What The Bible Says About Triathlon

The Bible uses many metaphors for life based on endurance sports training and competition. It also seems to add credence to the adage that “life is a marathon, not a sprint.” Make yours a negative-split, stronger in the second half than your first half.

I hope you will consider the Bible’s portrayal of life and the world around us. I also hope you consider the teachings of Jesus and what the Bible has to say about Him. He is far more than an outstanding teacher.

“I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” Philippians 3:14 (NLT)

Screenshot of 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 from the YouVersion Bible app

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How Important Is Mental Toughness For Triathlon?

I chuckle each time I hear the wisdom attributed to baseball’s Yogi Berra: “Baseball is 90 per cent mental. The other half is physical.” As a former baseball player, I can attest to the importance of a strong mental component to the game. I just don’t get his math.

Since taking up golf about three years ago, I have also learned of the mental component to the game. I like what golfer Bobby Jones said: “In golf, the most important distance is the five inches between the ears.” A similar quote of Jones is, “The object of golf is to beat someone. Make sure that someone is not yourself.” Both speak clearly of a mental component to the game.

Is there a mental component to endurance sports like triathlon, duathlon, and aquabike?

That’s the question I explore in this post.

Our Mind Contributes to Physical Endurance

Dr, Samuele Marcora appears to be the foremost expert on the relationship between the mind and endurance sports performance. He is widely cited in articles and posts on mental toughness in endurance sports.

In Mental fatigue impairs physical performance in humans, Dr. Marcora and his colleagues documented the effect of mental fatigue on physical performance. They claimed that their research provided “experimental evidence that mental fatigue limits exercise tolerance in humans.” They also concluded that these limits came through a higher perceived difficulty, rather than physical effects related to the cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular functions.

In his article titled “Quitter”, Matt Fitzgerald, author of RUN: The Mind-Body Method of Running by Feel, writes of another of Marcora’s tests, this involving ten members of a university rugby team. Team members were told to ride at 90 percent of their personal VO2 max power until exhaustion. On average, they rode about 12 minutes at 242 watts. Then, after supposedly being exhausted, they were immediately told to ride as fast as possible for five seconds. Their average power was now 731 watts.

The researchers’ conclusion was that the mind in addition to the body dictates an athlete’s performance.

Mental Toughness Can Be Trained For Triathlon

The good news is that we can increase the mental component of endurance sports through our training. Following are two approaches I found while preparing this post.

Training With An Attitude

TriDot Head of Coach Development and senior triathlete, Kurt Madden told me, “I find it really intriguing that we spend so much time on the physical aspect of training. But the mind can work with you or against you.”

In an effort to incorporate the mental component in triathlon training, Kurt has identifed four factors he uses to help triathletes achieve amazing results, no matter their age or gender. These factors come from a combination of Kurt’s experience as a 45+ year ultra distance endurance athlete and his study of sports psychology.

• The “grit” factor

In Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, Angela Duckworth develops the “hypothesis that what really drives success is not ‘genius’ but a unique combination of passion and long-term perseverance.” Some people can look at any challenge, embrace it, and push through related pain. This “grit” can come from early life experiences, such as a difficult family situation, or from a “learn it as you go” approach.

• Intention to be successful

Kurt has observed that “those people that do better mentally in longer events have the intention to be successful.” Those with this attitude not only believe they will be successful, but take action to ensure that they succeed.

“Intention” builds on enthusiasm, or positive attitudes, and on grit. Kurt encourages athletes with an intention to be successful to spot their “short term wins”. These wins confirm the success of their actions, producing the biochemical (hormonal) changes in our bodies that almost guarantee success.

• Willingness to be uncomfortable

While speaking with me for the post titled How To Slow Age-Related Drop in Running Performance, Kurt cited the tendency for older athletes to avoid being uncomfortable. However, to increase mental toughness, it is necessary to embrace some discomfort.

“When we are uncomfortable, there is a good thing that happens: we grow.”

Kurt has learned that one way to train our mind to embrace discomfort is to force ourself to go a little beyond where we think we need to stop. Relax, embrace the current discomfort, and go a little further.

• Staying “in the moment”

In introducing this factor, Kurt referred to The Mindful Athlete: Secrets to Pure Performance, a book written by George Mumford whom Michael Jordan credits “with transforming his on-court leadership of the [Chicago] Bulls.”

“Staying in the moment” avoids fretting about what has happened and forecasting too far ahead as to what could happen. Winning athletes include in their arsenal an ability to brush off mistakes or other failures and focus on doing what they know they are capable of.

Training While Mentally Fatigued

In “Brain Endurance Training Improves Dynamic Calisthenic Exercise and Benefits Novel Exercise”, published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, researchers Neil Dalloway et al, provide background on Brain Endurance Training (BET), at least partly based on Dr. Marcora’s research. The authors begin with the fundamental assumption that “perceived exertion is a limiting factor in endurance exercise.” By creating mental fatigue on top of the fatigue from physical training, the athlete adapts to performing under a higher level of fatigue and therefore a higher level of perceived exertion.

This allows the athlete to perform under stress, that is, conditions of mental fatigue. However, the real goal is for their endurance performance to be increased when the mental fatigue component is no longer present, such as on race day. According to the article’s authors, BET has been demonstrated to improve performance in cycling, running, and other activities requiring muscular endurance.

Cognitive Training Tools

Soma Technologies is a company which provides products following this approach. The company’s website says, “We Monitor Cognition, We Analyse Fatigue, We Optimize Performance.” The company also claims, “Soma has been proven to create psycho-physiological changes in the brain, enabling athletes to perform at higher levels with less perceived effort and make better decisions under fatigue.”

As I was preparing this post, I received an email from Soma, introducing their guide, “How to Design A Cognitive Training Plan.” This document is for coaches who want to incorporate mental toughness training into their athletes’ plan.

When reading through the guide, it surprised me to see the melding of mental (cognitive) and physical loading. For example, you may be aware of words such as periodization and progressive overload from triathlon training manuals. But did you know that there is a mental toughness equivalent to these? And, just as there are different components to comprehensive swim, bike, or run training programs, there are different components to cognitive endurance training.

Eating Your Way To Mental Toughness

Learning that mental toughness is connected to how we fuel our bodies shouldn’t have surprised me. Physical training, nutrition and hydration, and rest and recovery are deeply intertwined.

In a Fast Talk Labs podcast titled “The Role of Nutrition in Optimizing Mental Performance,” Dr. Kate Kresge explained the relationship between nutrition and mental performance in endurance athletes. She began by emphasizing the need for good blood flow to the frontal lobe of the brain, which is crucial for mental performance and toughness.

Adequate blood flow supports the brain’s ability to produce neurotransmitters like dopamine and adrenaline. These neurotransmitters are vital for the proper functioning of the brain’s frontal lobe, which governs key aspects of mental toughness, such as focus, decision-making, and resilience.

The adrenal glands, located above the kidneys, produce adrenaline, while dopamine is primarily synthesized within the brain. Notably, adrenaline can also be derived from dopamine. The production of these critical neurotransmitters requires three key nutrients: tyrosine (an amino acid), vitamin B6, and vitamin C.

Nutrient Sources:

  • Tyrosine: Meat, poultry, fish, almonds, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, eggs, cheese
  • Vitamin B6: Beef liver, tuna, salmon, shrimp, potatoes, bananas
  • Vitamin C: Red, yellow, and green peppers, oranges, grapefruit, lemons, limes, kiwi fruit, broccoli

Electrolytes also play an essential role in facilitating the transport of these nutrients into cells, highlighting the interconnected nature of nutrition and physiology. If you find yourself struggling with mental toughness during training, consider focusing on adequate protein intake and maintaining proper electrolyte balance. According to Dr. Kresge, noticeable improvements can occur within a week.

Related post: Electrolytes: Vital for Hydration of Senior Triathletes

What I Have Learned About Increasing Mental Toughness for Triathlon

It’s clear that there is a mental component to endurance sports, like triathlon, duathlon, and aquabike.

Those of you who know me, also know that I am an average triathlete having focused on sprint triathlons. I have not engaged specifically in mental endurance training because I have only recently learned about it. However, I relate to what I have heard and read about mental fatigue and mental toughness.

Over the years of triathlon training and racing, I believe I have sometimes struggled with the effects of mental fatigue, but also developed greater mental toughness.

For me, the quickest way to increase mental toughness has been being consistent in my training. Consistency builds confidence. When writing this, I was thinking of the triathlon swim.

I recall several races in which I became light-headed early in the swim, either through altitude or poor pacing. However, through plenty of pool and open water swims in different conditions, I had become confident in my ability to maintain calm and respond to the current situation without panicking. That’s a small example of mental toughness.

From what Dr. Kresge said, I plan to double-down on paying attention to nutrition and hydration.

What Works For You?

This has been a high level introduction to the subject. Is there a part of this you wish to learn more about? Please share your questions or requests below and I will work to get answers.

Please also share what you have learned about increasing mental toughness. What advice do you have for those new to triathlon training?

Comments: Please note that I review all comments before they are posted. You will be notified by email when your comment is approved. Even if you do not submit a comment, you may subscribe to be notified when a comment is published.

Affiliate Disclosure

This post was originally published on August 28, 2024. After hearing the interview with Dr. Kate Kresge, I added information about the roles of nutrition and hydration and republished it on November 20, 2024.

Changing His Mind – Howard Glass’ Story

Older adults give many reasons for beginning or continuing to train for and compete in triathlons. Senior triathlete Howard Glass is the first person to tell me how triathlon changed his mind, his thoughts.


Following our hour and a half phone call during the evening of Tuesday, September 4th, Howard Glass and I agreed to resume our conversation after I had finished a draft of his triathlon story. However, before we talked a second time, Howard’s daughter, Lydia, replied to my email to Howard, informing me that her dad had unexpectedly passed away on September 9th.

While Howard’s passing impacted some of what I had included in my first draft, the principal message from his story stayed the same. Howard openly shared about the struggle that eventually sparked his love of triathlon. I hope my record of our conversation will inspire you as much as he did me. He was a remarkable man.

Introducing Howard Glass

Howard began telling his triathlon story by recalling his move to the United States from the UK, where he had spent the first part of his life working in the real estate industry. After falling in love with the Florida Keys during his first visit to the USA in 1991, Howard purchased a wooded lot in the Keys in March 1992. His plan was to build a home here for him, his first wife, and daughter Lydia.

He returned to Florida three days after Hurricane Andrew in August 1992, to complete plans for the house with an architect. In November, he and a builder he had hired broke ground on the project.

While in Florida, Howard worked alongside the builder to help complete the family’s new home. However, since he was in the country on a tourist visa, Howard was required to return to the UK every 90 days. As a result, the house took two years to complete.

Eventually, Howard received a green card, which allowed him to live full-time and work in the USA. He and his family moved to their new home in Florida, and he began working at Home Depot.

Cycling, A Life Changer

I asked Howard what his experience with endurance sports was before training for triathlon. His one-word answer was, “Zero.”

Before beginning to train for his first triathlon in 2009, Howard said, “I had never run before, had never had a bike before, and I could swim a little.”

So, what caused Howard to train for a triathlon? Following personal events that led to him moving to Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, Howard says he developed severe depression. He began taking medication to treat his depression.

For helping a realtor friend work on her house, she and her two brothers bought Howard a road bike. As he began riding, he found the depression lifting. After about three months, he had weaned himself off the medication.

Howard carried this experience with him. He remained convinced that the combined benefits of exercise and his focus on triathlon kept the depression away.

Related Post: Triathlon For a Healthy Brain – Pat & Joan Hogan’s Story

First Triathlon at Age 68

Howard continued biking, then added running and swimming to his exercise routine as he trained for and completed a Sprint triathlon in Jupiter, Florida, in 2009.

Over the next two years, Howard did a couple more Sprint triathlons. In 2010, his finished his first Olympic distance triathlon in Miami, Florida.

“Like an idiot, I thought I could do the Disney half Ironman in June. This race taught me I needed to hydrate, especially in Florida during the summer. But I didn’t know how to hydrate. After the bike, which I finished with an average speed of about 18.5 miles per hour, I found I couldn’t change gears to run the half marathon.”

Recognizing that Howard was dehydrated, race medical staff brought out a stretcher, which they used to move him into a tent. Howard said, “They gave me a couple of bags of IV fluid. Suddenly, I felt great, so I asked if I could get back into the race.”

Their answer was clear: “You’re done.” That was Howard’s first experience being severely dehydrated.

A few months later, in October, Howard took another shot at the half Ironman distance, the Atlantic Coast Triathlon in Amelia Island, Florida. The flat bike and run courses led to his best time for a half Ironman, 6 hours, 11 minutes. A month later, he did a second half Ironman in Miami, Florida.

Howard Becomes An IRONMAN

After finishing this race, he packed his bike and flew with it to Seattle, from where he rented a car and drove east across Washington state to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, for his first full Ironman. He arrived two days before the race. The first morning, he went to the lake where the swim would take place, put on his wetsuit, and went for a short swim in the 53°F water.

The short practice swim did not prepare him for the full, 2.4-mile swim during the triathlon. For the race, the swim involved two loops of a 1.2-mile course. After completing the swim, he went into a tent with heaters to warm up. After warming, he went out on the bike leg in a short-sleeve shirt in the 45°F air. He admitted to knowing nothing about aid stations. He finished the bike leg, then fast walked the run course, finishing just before midnight. After collecting his bike and packing it in the car, Howard returned to the hotel for a warm shower.

His First Kona Slot

The next day, he returned for the banquet and awards ceremony, where he collected his first Ironman finisher medal and second place age group award. This result, especially on a tough course, gave Howard a lot of confidence.

Over the next four years, Howard completed another five full Ironman distance triathlons. One of these was the 2012 Ironman Lake Placid (Lake Placid, New York), where he was the only finisher of six in his age group. This finish earned him a slot for the IRONMAN World Championship in Kona, Hawaii. Another confidence builder.

In October of that year, he completed the Ironman in Kona, finishing 9th of 24 in the men’s 70-74 age group. A month later, he finished Ironman Florida first of fourteen in the same age group. This finish earned him a slot for the 2013 Ironman in Kona.

Howard Glass with his daughter, Lydia, after the 2012 IRONMAN World Championship. Picture provided by Lydia Glass.

“Mike Riley knows me well”

In 2013, Howard made his second trip to the “Big Island” of Hawaii for the IRONMAN World Championship. With this and other triathlons leading up to the Kona trip, Howard finished thirteen Ironman races in a row. “Mike Riley [the iconic ‘Voice of IRONMAN’] knows me well,” said Howard. Then, in 2014, he added “Boston Marathon Finisher” to his list of endurance sports accomplishments.

All totaled, Howard competed in 30 to 35 half Ironman and 32 full Ironman triathlons. His half Ironman triathlons were in areas as different as Augusta, Georgia and Argentina, or Mont Tremblant, Quebec, Canada and Muncie, Indiana.

Howard’s full Ironman triathlons included (in alphabetical order):

  • Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
  • Chattanooga, Tennessee
  • Coeur d’e ‘Alene, Idaho
  • Cozumel, Mexico (3x)
  • Florida (2x)
  • Kona, Hawaii (2x)
  • Lake Placid, New York (3x)
  • Louisville, Kentucky
  • Texas (2x)

Of these, he has finished all but five of the half Ironman and 17 of the full Ironman races. Howard chalks up some failures to finish, or DNF (Did Not Finish), to not feeling well or not feeling prepared on race morning. Still, he did not finish others through “overexuberance”. He said, “I tried to do three Ironman triathlons in one month while traveling over 5,000 miles by car, all in my mid-70s. I DNFed all three.”

Life Happens

Over the last two or three years, Howard slowed, deferring many registrations. Recently, he had cataract surgery on both eyes and a second melanoma surgery. The latter forced him to put swimming on hold for several weeks.

Despite deferring his registration for the Ironman Cozumel half Ironman distance this year because of the surgeries, Howard was training for the full distance triathlon in Cozumel set for November. From his knowledge of this course, Howard was confident he could complete this triathlon even though he would have had only about six weeks of swim training after these surgeries.

How Howard Trained for Triathlon

Howard never trained with a coach. However, this was something he was thinking of changing. Howard told me, “not having a coach has cost me a fortune.” It hurt him to spend money on the race registration and travel to the race venue, then not finish the race.

However, this did not mean that he did not prioritize training. Even at this stage in life, Howard trained five days per week. This included biking three times per week, running two to three times per week, and swimming. During the training sessions, he also practiced hydration and eating, race skills critical for long course triathlons.

Advice for Those Thinking of Starting Triathlon Later In Life

According to Howard, starting triathlon later in life may have made it easier. Howard attributes his ability to continue training for and racing in triathlons, at least partially, to his late arrival to the sport. He told me, “When I started, my body was ok. It had not been overused.”

With the need to train as the first advice for others thinking of starting triathlon later in life, Howard offered a second piece of advice: You have to have a will to finish a race despite all the variables that come with multi-sport endurance racing. “You don’t need to be fast, but determined to continue.”

He also told me he had learned to pay closer attention to details of a triathlon he considered doing, especially as he became older. What are race distances? What does the race course look like? Are currents likely to be a factor during the swim? Will hills and/or wind affect the bike leg?

He also suggested that we look at the finisher times from previous races. What are the cut-off times? Can you make the cut-offs? Is this a race you can finish? Or, is it one for which you could win your age group?

Triathlon and Depression

Howard’s motivation to train stemmed from two reasons: a desire to live healthy later in life, and a concern that without regular exercise, he might face another battle with depression. At the time of his death, Howard had a long list of Ironman triathlons he planned to complete. Through these, he hoped to return to Hawaii for the next men’s IRONMAN World Championship in 2026.

I appreciate Howard’s willingness to let us see into to his life before and after triathlon. His transparency can benefit those who also struggle with depression. While one solution seldom fits all situations, endurance exercise in general and triathlon more specifically is a win-win solution for a significant problem that is growing throughout the world today.

A Daughter’s Tribute

Howard’s daughter Lydia wrote a tribute to her father, which she shared with me. Here is part of it:

“If I could see you one more time, I would give you the biggest hug and tell you how much I love you and how proud I am of you for everything you have accomplished in your triathlete/Ironman journey.

Your optimism, determination, and motivation helped inspire me to become a physical therapist because of my awe of what the human body is capable of at any age. This also helped me stay focused in grad school, despite also battling with your son-in-law, Foster’s cancer, and navigating pregnancy, my postpartum journey, and the beginning of motherhood. I graduated with honors, with you, Foster, and your sweet and only baby granddaughter, Ella Sophia, in my arms. This would not have been possible if you hadn’t believed in me and inspired me with your dedication to your sport. You taught me to never give up, and I didn’t. I now enjoy a rewarding career helping others get back to their active lifestyles and reaching their goals.

Ella is now 5 years old and I’m so grateful for the grandfather you became, but I really wish you could watch her grow and be a part of her life. Don’t worry though, we will continue to share stories of you and photos so you will never be forgotten.

I knew that you inspired many athletes, but I did not realize how much of an impact you had until you passed and so many people in your community reached out with their condolences and their stories and memories of you. It really is so touching, I’m so proud of you, and we will miss you dearly. Love you, Dad.

You will be missed by so many. May you rest in peace and stay with us in our hearts forever.”

Click here to read Howard’s obituary.

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Want To Travel The World? Think About The World Masters Games

Want to combine travel across the globe with triathlon? If yes, then the World Masters Games or the regional Masters Games may be for you.

About IMGA

Since 1985, the International Masters Games Association (IMGA) has served as the representative body of Masters sport across the world. Recognized by the International Olympic Committee, IMGA is a non-profit organization whose goal is to support the Olympic movement and ‘sport for all’ philosophy.

According to the IMGA website, the organization’s mission is:

The IMGA promotes lifelong competition, friendship and understanding between mature sports people, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, or sport status. Its mission is to offer worldwide multi-sports events for mature athletes in attractive destinations, in a sustainable manner, in the spirit of  ‘Sport for Life. Life without limits’.”

In fulfilling this mission, IMGA organizes and manages several international multi-sport events for Masters athletes. These include the World Masters Games and the Open Masters Series (previously called European, Asia-Pacific and Pan-American Masters Games). These games attract thousands of athletes to locations around the world.

I like the thought behind these games. Still, I was more than a little surprised to read their definition of masters athletes: age 30 and over. For some sports, the minimum age for a masters athlete is 25 years. But, this is not a deterrent to participate since competition occurs between age groups, as I will describe later in this post.

World Masters Games

The World Masters Games is the IMGA’s flagship event, normally held every four years. Dates for the next World Masters Games in Taiwan are May 17–30, 2025. Find information and registration for this event at https://imga.ch/event/world-masters-games-2025/.

Because of the COVID pandemic, they canceled the 2021 World Masters Games scheduled for Japan. The organizers have rescheduled these for 2027, two years after the Taiwan games. Then, another two years later, in 2029, the World Masters Games will take place in Perth, Australia.

Masters triathlete jogging from the swim exit to transition at the 2024 Pan-American Masters Games, part of the World Masters Games
Masters triathlete jogging from the swim exit to transition at the 2024 Pan-American Masters Games in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Picture courtesy of International Masters Games Association.

What Do The Games Look Like?

To get an idea of what these events look like, I went to the website for the 2024 Pan-American Games held earlier this year, on July 12-21, 2024, in Cleveland, Ohio. The ten-day regional event drew over 4,000 athletes from over 75 countries. Competitions included Sprint and Olympic distances of triathlon, aquabike, and duathlon events. A coed relay competition for the Sprint triathlon also took place.

While the triathlon and other multisport endurance races included small numbers of competitors—for example, 88 for the Sprint triathlon and 32 for the Olympic distance—seniors dominated the numbers. In both triathlon distance races, two-thirds of all competitors were age 50 years or older.

In What Sports Might Triathletes Be Interested?

Registration for the World Masters Games allows participation in several sports, with the line-up depending on the location of the event. Because of the global popularity of triathlon, all events I checked include both Olympic and Sprint distance triathlons. Like many other triathlons, competition occurs within gender and age groups in five-year increments. The 85+ age group is the highest for triathlon.

Triathletes may also be interested in swimming (called aquatics), biking (cycling), and running competitions. These sports are also part of most, if not all, of the Masters Games events. For the 5 km and 10 km running races, the oldest age group is the 100+ category.

A good feature of the IMGA events is that participants are not limited to a single competition. In the description of the 2025 World Masters Games, the IMGA website says, “You can pick one of the sports or even sign up in up to 3 sports and 7 disciplines.”

According to IMGA representative Kirsty van Peer’s explanation to me, sports are categories of competition, like swimming, triathlon, and running. A discipline is a specific event, such as Olympic triathlon, 800 meter freestyle swim, and 10 km race. So, for next year’s world competition, your registration would allow you to compete in up to seven races, which could include one or more multisport competitions, depending on the schedule.

Related page: Triathlon Information

How To Learn More And Stay Informed

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Do You Have Experience With The World Masters Games Or IMGA Regional Games?

Have you competed in IMGA games? If so, what was your experience?

What do you think about competing in Taipei in 2025?

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